Participating newcomers have been able to participate in the project in the framework of the cooperation between the Akademie für Tonkunst and the PaSo gGmbH the opportunity to develop a common musical narrative together with composition teacher Arne Gieshoff through sounds, noises, language and their own stories. Previous musical training is not necessary. Everyone is welcome! You are welcome to bring your own musical instruments of any kind.
The meetings take place in the Wilhelm Petersen Hall at the Akademie für Tonkunst (tram stop LICHTENBERGSCHULE with LINIE 3) and are scheduled as follows:
Thu, 27 Apr | 6.30-8.30pm
Sat, 13.05 | 11.00-13.00
Tue, 16.05 | 18.30-20.30
Thu, 25.05 | 18.30-20.30
Further dates by arrangement.
Registrations are possible via possible.
The model project "WIR sind DA: Darmstadt für Neubürger:innen" is being implemented as part of the Hessian state programme "WIR - Wegweisende Integrationsansätze Realisieren" and in cooperation between the Office for Diversity and International Relations of the City of Science Darmstadt and PaSo gGmbH. PaSo gGmbH is a non-profit organisation in Darmstadt that works with the homeless and asylum seekers and implements participatory integration projects in Darmstadt.
The aim of the project is dialogue and encounter at eye level between all participants to strengthen equal participation and integration in the areas of city history, the environment, nature and climate protection, sustainability, the economy, and art and culture. The model project is aimed at Neu-Darmstädter:innen, i.e. all people with a history of flight and migration who have come to Darmstadt in recent years.