Kick-off for the "KLEINER SAAL" project with architecture students from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

On Tuesday, 14 November 2023, architecture students from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (Prof. Mensing, Prof. Mathias Friedrich and LfbA Bärbl Hohmann) had their first meeting with the academy building - in particular the Small Hall - and representatives of the academy community. The aim is to develop ideas and concepts that reinvent the hall as an attractive teaching, concert and meeting venue for the academy community and urban society. In addition to Director Prof Thomas E. Bauer, student representative Laura Bellusci, technical caretaker Peter Arendt, stage and media technician Masahiro Nishio and composition lecturer / artistic director Arne Gieshoff took part in the lively brainstorming session. 

We are looking forward to an inspiring exchange with the students of h_da!  

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