EverydayArt - composition project at the Lichtenberg School comes to an end

After three weeks in the 6e of the Lichtenberg School an exciting cooperation project between the grammar school, music teacher Blanche-Dorothee Haun and the Akademie für Tonkunst comes to an end. Composition teacher Arne Gieshoff and students of the seminar "Methodology of Composition Teaching" discovered the musical potential of everyday sounds under the title EverydayArt - a project inspired by concepts of the musician and sound artist Melvyn Poore (Musikfabrik / INMM) - and scoured the surroundings for interesting sounds on a soundwalk in Bessungen. The collected sounds then became the basis for their own sound experiments and musical actions. With our ears pricked up and open, we look forward to the next collaboration! 

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