Inspiring insights into the world of brass instruments with Lutz Mandler

The composition classes of the University of Cooperative Education and the Music School (teachers: Prof. Il-Ryun Chung and Arne Gieshoff) had the opportunity to gain an intensive and practice-oriented insight into the world of brass instruments in another cooperation between the two departments of the house. Trumpet teacher and new music expert Lutz Mandler presented a selection of his instruments from piccolo trumpet to alphorn to the 15 composers aged 9 to 63 in a workshop, gave a lecture on the physical principles of sound production and provided exciting insights into the world of extended playing techniques of the 20th and 21st centuries flanked by sound examples from the last 70 years. The highlight was the virtuoso performance of an early work by our director of the Berufsakademie, Prof. Karl-Wieland Kurz, in the presence of the composer. 

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