Portrait concert of the Darmstadt composer Wilhelm "Willy" Walther

On 10 October at 7 pm a special portrait concert will take place in Darmstadt, dedicated to the work of the almost forgotten composer Wilhelm Walther (1889-1940) dedicated to him. This concert offers a rare opportunity to experience a cross-section of the work of this versatile musician, whose life and career were tragically shaped by the political events of his time.

Wilhelm Walther fell victim to political repression by the Nazi regime in 1936 and was initially taken into "protective custody" in the Dachau concentration camp. After a further three years in the Mauthausen concentration camp, he was finally murdered in 1940. His artistic legacy was then largely forgotten.

Further information on Willy Walther.

The concert now gives the audience the opportunity to rediscover Walther's works and honour his place in music history. In addition to the concert, the Akademie für Tonkunst The exhibition on the life and work of the composer will be presented at the Museum of Music. This exhibition invites visitors to take a closer look at Wilhelm Walther as a person and to visualise his artistic contribution for posterity.

This event promises an evening full of music and history - a moving tribute to an unjustly forgotten artist.


Playing for you:
Christine Reber / Soprano
Piano duo Hayashizaki-Hagemann
Anne Romeis / Flute
Annette Schütz / Oboe
Julien Floreani / Clarinet
Marc Noetzel / Horn
Angela Bergmann / Bassoon

  • Location: Wilhelm Petersen Hall, Akademie für Tonkunst
  • Time: Thursday, 10.10.2024 7 pm

Pay what you want - no ticket required

We look forward to your visit!


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